LPS Virtual Registration Hub
- Proof of Residence
- School Start Times
- Schedules
- Fee Payment
- Supply Lists
- Transportation
- Immunization/Medication
- Free and Reduced Lunch
- Dress Code
- FAQs
- Connect With Us
- New Students and All 9th Graders Info
Proof of Residence
All registration information can be located on the main LSS Registration page. Please click here to access.
School Start Times
Student schedules will be made available through Skyward on or before August 5th, 2024. You must login to your Skyward Family Access account to view the schedule.
For Skyward username/password information, please contact the Attendance offices:
- For grades 5-8, please contact Megan Cagle (mcagle@lakelandk12.org).
- For grades 9-11, please contact Marsha White (mwhite@lakelandk12.org).
For detailed information regarding registration, please visit the main LSS Registration page. Click here to access.
Fee Payment
Most fees will be paid through your Skyward Family Access account this school year. Once schedules are released, the fees will be available to pay.
For Skyward username/password information, please contact the Attendance offices:
- For grades 5-8, please contact Megan Cagle (mcagle@lakelandk12.org).
- For grades 9-11, please contact Marsha White (mwhite@lakelandk12.org).
Parking passes must be purchased in person at Roar into School Business Day on August 1st or Walk Your Schedule Night on August 6th. Please see the Transportation tab for more information.
Supply Lists
High School (9-11) Supply Lists: Click Here
Middle School (5-8) Supply Lists: Click Here
Car Riders and Student Drivers
- All NEW car riders must request a car rider number.
- If you are a NEW middle school student (this includes incoming 5th graders) to LPS, please fill out this form to request a car rider number.
- If you are a RETURNING middle school student needing a new car rider tag, please fill out this form.
Student Drivers
Student parking passes can be purchased and the permission slips completed on Roar into School Business Day on August 1st or Walk Your Schedule Night on August 6th. The cost for a student parking pass is $50, and this must be paid in person with EXACT cash or check. Once school starts, students and parents may purchase these during regular school hours. The cost of student parking passes is not prorated, so they will be the same cost no matter when they are purchased.
You will need to bring the following information when you complete your permission slip.
Phone Number
Driver’s License
Make, Model, and Color of Vehicle
License Plate Number
The parent should sign the permission slip in person with the student.
Bus Riders
*Please note that bus arrival and departure times may vary especially during the start of the school year as routes are being balanced.
Bus Information Link
Please click here to access the bus number information link.
If the link above does not work, there is another located on our main LSS transportation page. Click here to access that page.
Tips to Find Your Bus Number
- If a 9th, 10th, or 11th grader attends Lakeland Prep and has been assigned a stop, e-link will show that they attend Lakeland Prep. The stop information shown in the below example is what you should see.
- If you see "You attend Arlington HS" as in the example below, please fill out this form to receive assistance.
All 7th Grade students are required to submit an up-to-date Immunization Record.
Lakeland Preparatory School Immunization Information:
Immunization Exemption Information:
- In the absence of an epidemic or immediate threat of an epidemic, the requirement does not apply to any child whose parent or guardian files with school authorities a signed, written statement that the immunization and other preventive measures conflict with the parent’s or guardian’s religious tenets and practices, affirmed under the penalties of perjury;
- A child is not denied admission to any school or school facility if the child has not been immunized due to medical reasons if the child has a written statement from the child’s doctor excusing the child from the immunization;
- A child or youth determined to be homeless is not denied admission to any school or school facility if the child or youth has not yet been immunized or is unable to produce immunization records due to being homeless; and
- An immunization is not required if a qualified physician certifies that administration of the immunization would be in any manner harmful to the child involved.
If you would like to drop off medication to the clinic prior to August 7th, please email our nurse, Raina Laessig, at rlaessig@lakelandk12.org to make an appointment to come in.
Free and Reduced Lunch
Applications for free & reduced lunch are located within Skyward. If you fill out a paper copy, please return this to the cafeteria manager. All students in the family, regardless of which Lakeland school they attend, should be on the application and should be registered before it can be processed.
A tutorial for accessing the Lunch application: Click here
Printable copy of application (English): Click here
Printable copy of application (Spanish): Click here
LEAP registration will be available August 1st. For more information on the LEAP Program, please click here for the LSS LEAP information page.
Check out this link to see what our LEF does for our teachers and students!
Dress Code
Student Dress Code
(Policy #6.310)
Students shall dress and groom in a clean, neat and modest manner so as not to distract or interfere with the operation of the school. More specific guidelines appropriate for each level of school (elementary, middle, junior high and senior high) shall be developed by the superintendent.
** When a student is dressed in a manner which is likely to cause disruption or interference with the operation of the school, or in a manner that violates the developed guidelines, the principal shall take appropriate action, which may include suspension.**
Lakeland Preparatory School Dress Code (Grades 5-12)
In an effort to foster the most productive learning environment for students, the following are dress code guidelines for students at Lakeland Preparatory School:
1. Pants must be worn at the waist, be appropriately sized, and at a safe length.
2. Shirts, blouses and dresses must completely cover the abdomen and back.
3. All shirts or tops must cover from armpit to armpit. Tops must have shoulder straps that are at least two finger widths wide and are long enough to adequately cover the waist of pants, shorts or skirts, with no midriff visible.
4. Head coverings, such as caps, scarves, hoods, hats, etc., except for religious or medical reasons, must not be worn inside the school building.
5. Footwear is required and must be safe and appropriate for physical activity.
Slippers, shower shoes, and heels over 2 inches are not considered safe.
6. Clothing items bearing writings or images of:
Substances such as drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc.;
Offensive, vulgar, lewd, or indecent speech;
Gang-related indicia; or
Racially or ethnically divisive symbols or messages, shall not be worn.
7. Skirts, dresses and shorts must extend below the fingertip.
8. Sleepwear, pajamas, and/or blankets cannot be worn in school.
9. If clothing has a hole in it, the exposed skin must be below the fingertips.
10. Large, long and/or heavy chains shall not be worn at school.
11. Sunglasses shall not be worn indoors at school except for health purposes.
12. Facial jewelry including tongue piercings or nose rings can only be worn if they are considered a “stud.”
13. Clothing considered to be an undergarment should not be exposed.
14. If leggings or yoga pants are worn, the area in the box below must be covered.
15. Costumes should not be worn.
School officials may also prohibit the wearing of clothing bearing any image which would substantially or materially interfere with the learning environment. The Principal may allow exceptions for school-wide programs or special classroom activities. School administrators will administer appropriate consequences for dress code violations.
Check out the posts about PTO on our social media! Click here to learn more about our PTO and show your support!
1. How can I drop off items (supplies, etc.) at the school? Will they get to my child's teacher?
In 5th grade, larger supplies can be dropped off on August 6th at Roar Into School Night. For all other grades, supplies may be sent to school with your student once school begins. It is suggested that bringing in larger items be staggered throughout the first week.
2. How can I pay fees?
Most LPS fees can be paid through Skyward once schedules are released.
3. How will I receive my child's transportation information? Bus #'s?
Check the Transportation tab for more information.
4. How will I find out my child's teacher/schedule?
Student schedules will be available via Skyward by August 5th, 2024.
5. Do I need a car rider number? How will I get this?
Please see the Transportation tab above for more information!
6. I need supplies from the school bookstore, how do I purchase these items?
There is not a bookstore on-site at LPS.
7. I am not sure how to set up my Schoology account. What do I do?
Please visit the Technology page of our website for more information. If you still need assistance, reach out to our Instructional Technology Facilitator, Crystal Nolen: cnolen@lakelandk12.org or Matt Parker: mparker@lakelandk12.org.
8. What if I do not understand the technology used?
Please be sure to join the Tech Tips group in Parent Square for resources. You may also reach out to our Instructional Technology Facilitator, Crystal Nolen: cnolen@lakelandk12.org or Matt Parker: mparker@lakelandk12.org.